Hi. I've recently discovered that I love to adopt Cyber Pets and such. There are so many cute sites on the net. To adopt some of your own, click on the pet or, where applicable, the adoption certificate, but please don't steal mine! This is my page of more unusual adoptables. Everyone has faeries, kittens, puppies, bears, guardians, etc, but these adoptables are a little different.

How about some weather?

      Camomile's Adopt a Bottle Of Dreams

I adopted my Bottle of Dreams from Camomile. Everyone needs a bottle of dreams, don't you think??


Adopt your mug here!

I adopted these mugs from Lori. You can adopt some too, just click on her logo.


I adopted my Lava Lamp from Fairytale Adoption Center.


These beautiful and classy watches come only from Ice Dream's Picture Palace.


My Sunflower Crystal Pendant came from Debbii's

      Fairy Locket

Camomile also has lots of great adopables at her site.

© 2001 Terri H