Elves are another legendary creature which I have come to believe in. Webster's Dictionary defines an elf as a "a tiny, often mischievous fairy". An elven face is characterized by its almond-shaped eyes and sharp features. Elves are known to be very agile, but their slim build makes them rather frail. Since elves are descendants of the faerie, they are blessed with sight in the dark. Elves also tend to live to an older age than others and therefore live worry-less lives. You an adopt some elves for your pages by clicking on the certificates or logos with each elf. Silverleaf and Jewell are elves from Blackberry Island - a magical place on the web. You should visit there someday. Gnomes are usually an average of 15 centimeters tall, including their cap. Gnome children love to play many games. They tend to live in hilly meadows and rocky woodlands. Their small size makes them wary of larger races, though gnomes are not hostile unless the larger folk are evil. It is said that gnomes are great lovers of gems and sparkling items. They are known to constantly be digging up and hiding away vast amounts of treasure.